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Money or Love?

Whenever you see yourself sacrificing those valuable points in your life, it is time to sit down and meditate on your priorities and ask yourself if the sacrifice is really worth it. I'm not sugar-coated, nobody is perfect, we all have different beliefs, wants, and priorities. This is why we all do what we feel is best for ourselves and what makes us happy.

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Taking The Leap

Appreciating the little milestones since I started to really focus on not chasing my dreams, but make them a reality has been a lovely learning experience. Seeing what I've been able to achieve in very little time has given me a real boost of confidence. Now I can see with my own eyes that I'm capable of doing so much more than I thought I would be able to. I just needed to break the cycle and take control of my life, focus, give it my all, prioritize and believe.

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Fear of Change

When you surround yourself with love and positive energy, your mind will begin resetting itself and you will experience life through a positive outlook and live with gratitude. You will feel capable of taking on new challenges in life, you might still be nervous about those changes, but you will be unstoppable because you will believe in yourself.

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